The DIEP flap procedure is the most advanced type of breast reconstruction and is considered the gold standard at PRMA Plastic Surgery. Studies have shown the procedure provides women a good long-term quality of life, which is the most important goal of any procedure.
DIEP Flap Reconstruction
What makes the DIEP Flap reconstruction a great option is that, unlike the more commonly known TRAM flap, it preserves the abdominal muscles, thereby drastically reducing the recovery period and the number of possible complications in the abdominal area. Only fat and skin tissue are harvested from the abdomen, making the stomach area almost as if it had undergone a tummy tuck. This procedure preserves the core strength of the patient and reduces the amount of pain during recovery.
How It Is Done
Since the fat and the skin below the belly button feel very similar to that of a breast, it is ideal for breast reconstruction. The blood vessels (perforators) that feed this skin and fat are beneath or sometimes in the abdominal muscle. A small incision is made in the muscle to access these vessels. But the abdominal muscle remains intact. These blood vessels will be reattached in the chest area using microsurgery.
The abdominal skin and fat are shaped and attached to the chest wall to create the appearance of a natural-looking breast.
Other Benefits
Patients who undergo this procedure are candidates for TruSense℠ (sensory nerve reconstruction). After the mastectomy, nerve feeling and sensation in the breast are severed, making it impossible for the brain to interpret the signals from the nerve, thereby making the breast feel numb. Fortunately, with nerve reconstruction, some or even most of the feeling may return to the breast after all healing takes place.
PRMA is one of the very few centers around the world that offers nerve reconstruction, and our patients benefit from an improvement in the return of feeling that is simply not available in most places.
All surgeries carry with them some risk. In rare instances, with DIEP flap surgeries, tissue breakdown occurs where the tissue is not receiving enough blood flow, and this tissue dies. Hernias in the donor site are also possible, but the risk is small.
Talk to PRMA About Your Options
If you have any doubts or questions about what to expect from DIEP reconstruction or any other related surgery, please call PRMA Plastic Surgery for a consultation. We have an amazing history of success, with over 25 years of experience. We specialize in advanced microsurgical breast reconstruction, restoring breast sensation after mastectomy and offering lymphedema surgery.
Reach us at 800-692-5565 or fill out our online form. You can also schedule a virtual consultation HERE.
It is a great honor to be part of a team with such a rich tradition of excellent patient care, shares Dr. Andrew Gassman, the newest surgeon to join the PRMA team. Years and years of procedure fine tuning with individualized care means our patients truly benefit from both efficiency and experience.
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