Breast Reconstruction
Corrective Surgery

At PRMA, we frequently perform corrective surgery on patients who are unhappy with their results from surgery performed at other institutions.  This can involve anything from fine tuning to a complete “re-do” reconstruction depending on the specific situation.  Re-do surgery is typically covered by insurance.

Corrective Surgery Is An Option After Implant Or Autologous Flap Reconstruction That Didn’t Work Out According To Plan.

We see many patients who have ongoing issues after implant reconstruction.  Complications include capsular contracture, significant breast asymmetry, chronic pain and even infection.  In these situations we usually recommend removal of the implant and surrounding scar tissue, and further reconstruction using the patient’s own tissue.  Procedures like the DIEP flap allow us to recreate a “natural”, soft, warm breast without the use of implants.  Sensory nerve reconstruction can also be performed during DIEP flap surgery to help restore breast feeling after a mastectomy.

We also see patients who are unhappy with their autologous flap reconstruction results.  The extent of the corrective surgery required will ultimately depend on the severity of the problem.  Procedures frequently include fat grafting, breast reshaping, scar revision, recontouring of the donor site, or even further flap procedures.

corrective breast surgery prma plastic surgery

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