Breast Reconstruction
Explant Surgery And En Bloc Capsulectomy

Implant removal (or explant surgery) is an option for patients who are having problems with their breast implants, or who now simply prefer to be implant-free.

The procedure removes the implant, usually along with part or all of the surrounding scar capsule.  ‘En bloc’ capsulectomy involves removal of the implant and capsule as one specimen and is indicated in certain situations (eg implant rupture, infection, the presence of a tumor, BIA-ALCL).  When performed alone, explant surgery is usually an outpatient procedure.  The incision used to remove the implant is usually based on the patient’s prior surgical history.  This should be discussed prior to surgery as significant scarring or contracture around the implant may require a larger incision. The amount of capsule that needs to be removed in conjunction with explant surgery is influenced by several factors (eg diagnosis, surgical plan, patient preferences, etc), and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Regardless If Breast Implants Are Placed For Cosmetic Enhancement Or For Breast Reconstruction Following A Mastectomy, Patients Can Sometimes Experience:


For breast reconstruction patients who are removing their implants and desire to have alternative, natural reconstruction (like the DIEP flap), the implant is removed and the remaining space in the breast pocket is easily filled with the autologous tissue during the same procedure in the vast majority of cases. 

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