Is there a woman facing breast cancer on your holiday shopping list? Here are 7 gift ideas a few of our patients came up with:
1. If she’s about to start chemo or already has started – hats, scarves and wigs can be a a fun idea.
2. During treatment and for months afterwards, fatigue is a big issue. A gift of service will be welcome – think gift cards to restaurants, offering to help cook, clean, pick up groceries, take care of the kids, or a ride to doctor appointments. These things will be a big help!
3. For women in the surgery stage, a nice feminine nightgown is a great gift. This helps them still feel beautiful!
4. Pretty blouses that button up the front can also be great gifts for those who just had surgery since they may have trouble getting their arms over their heads.
5. Everyone loves a little pampering, especially those going through treatment. Unscented body lotion or a foot spa may be something to consider.
6. How about a good book? Long waits at the doctors office and exhausting chemo treatments may warrant a good read. Try some cancer related titles like Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book or Saving Graces by Elizabeth Edwards. Don’t just stick to cancer titles though. Something humorous or maybe she has a favorite author?
7. Comedy and cheerful movies make good gifts especially for those feeling down during treatment and recovery. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine!
Do you have other gift suggestions? Share your ideas with us!
Author: Brandy (Korman) Haslam
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Having lost my mother 36yrs ago was the most horrific time in my life. Now my daughters mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer. When chemo time I have our grandchildren write her little notes of encouragement and what they looke forward to doing with there Nana . They really do work wonders and give you hope . God Bless Merry Christmas!!!!
Annette M Wall
Eyebrow Makeup.
False Eyelashes.
Dangly earrings.
Dark coloured nail polish.