- PRMA Plastic Surgery
Will my reconstructed breasts change size if I gain or loose weight after DIEP flap surgery?
We are often asked how future weight changes will impact final DIEP flap breast reconstruction results.
The general answer is that your breast size will most likely fluctuate with weight changes just like a natural breast would. However, every individual is different. Some patients may notice minimal change to their breast size following weight gain/loss. On the other hand, there are some patients who may end up wearing a completely different bra size following weight change.
Most patients find any change in breast size due to weight fluctuation to be proportionate to their new body size.
However, if you are unhappy with the breast size following weight change, there are options to help. For patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and have seen a large decrease in their breast size, fat grafting or adding a small implant can help achieve the desired size. Patients who have gained weight and have seen a dramatic increase to the size of their reconstructed breast may benefit from breast reduction surgery or liposuction to the reconstructed breast. Regardless of the change, we recommend patients be at a stable weight for some time before undergoing any additional revision surgery.
It is important to note that patients wanting to lose a few pounds after surgery should not start dieting until at least 6 weeks after all surgical wounds have healed. Wound healing requires adequate nutrition and protein. Cutting calories during this critical period could affect healing.
Author: Dr. Ramon Garza III and Courtney Floyd
The general answer is that your breast size will most likely fluctuate with weight changes just like a natural breast would. However, every individual is different.
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What happens to the lower and/donor site with weight gain? also, are you doing fat grafting for breast revision after mastectomy and implant, if implant removed.
September 28,2020
Just like after a tummy tuck, weight gain can occur in the lower abdominal area following a DIEP flap. We do also perform fat grafting during the “revision” or “stage 2” surgery following implant and/or flap-based breast reconstruction procedures.
PRMA Plastic Surgery
September 29,2020
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What happens to the lower and/donor site with weight gain? also, are you doing fat grafting for breast revision after mastectomy and implant, if implant removed.
PRMA Plastic Surgery
Just like after a tummy tuck, weight gain can occur in the lower abdominal area following a DIEP flap. We do also perform fat grafting during the “revision” or “stage 2” surgery following implant and/or flap-based breast reconstruction procedures.
DIEP surgery in 2016. I had a seroma across my entire abdomen 3 months later that required 2 surgeries with quilting stitches to close. I have been in pain ever since. The incision site feels like there is a very tight belt on me 24/7. My quality of life has been zero and I am over all of it. The original surgeon does not take my insurance now and does not want to see me. I feel lost and forgotten.
I wish I had gone to PRMA initially.
PRMA Plastic Surgery
We are truly saddened to hear you are going through all of this. Please know, we would be more than happy to schedule you a consultation to evaluate your needs and provide you with our recommendations to help improve your quality of life. Should you ever be interested, please call our office at 210-692-1181. We wish you all the best.
Would you recommend delaying a prophylactic DMX and DIEP reconstruction (in the case of a genetic mutation) for a patient to get to their ideal weight? Or might it better to go ahead with the DMX and DIEP and work on weight loss after? Is obesity a roadblock to having DMX?
PRMA Plastic Surgery
Good question Maggie! In this particular situation, we would recommend a patient get closer to her ideal weight before undergoing surgery. Obesity can increase the risk of complications with surgery in some cases.