Deborah shares her experience with DIEP flap breast reconstruction at PRMA in San Antonio, Texas.
DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction
I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all your dedication, hard work, and sincerity you provided for me as your patient. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2001 I was devastated and didn’t know if I was going to fight for my life or die. However, I was fortunate and blessed with many family members and friends who prayed for me and for my doctors under my care. Therefore, having you as my doctor was God’s work and a blessing. My faith in the Lord has carried me throughout my life. I have faced many storms, but this one (breast cancer) has been one of the biggest storms for me to battle. However, thanks to the abundance of faith the good Lord has blessed me with, I was able to go through my surgeries and chemotherapy treatments with grace. On one of my routine doctor visits with you in your office, I noticed the cross around your neck. Seeing that cross only ensured me that you were a doctor who really cared and was sent from heaven. You gave me advice and ensured me that the final outcome of my plastic surgery was going to be fine. I remember looking at pictures from different books and feeling miserable because of the scars that were left from a modified radical mastectomy and reconstruction of the breast. My surgery for the revisions was completed on June 21, 2002. after the post-surgery doctor’s visit, I left your office with tears of joy. My scars were nothing like I saw in that book. In fact, my scars were minimal and I couldn’t believe it! I had always prayed for God to help me work through chemo, to help me care for Katelyn, my 6-month-old baby, to help me transport my daughter, Jacqueline, to all her softball practices and games, and to help me guide my 22-year-old son, Benny. Well, the good Lord definitely answered those prayers and more. God planned for you to be my doctor and perform such a miraculous job on my revisions from the reconstruction surgery. No one would ever guess what my body has been through. I’ve sent a picture of me in my bikini to prove it. This picture was taken approximately 1 month after my last surgery on June 21, 2002. Once again, THANK YOU for your devotion as a doctor.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all your dedication, hard work, and sincerity you provided for me as your patient. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2001 I was devastated and didn’t know if I was going to fight for my life or die.

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