Dr Andrew Gassman, PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio & Stone Oak, Texas | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap

Dr. Andrew Gassman

Dr. Gassman joined the PRMA team in January 2021. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon and breast reconstruction surgeon. Dr. Gassman earned his medical degree from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Maywood, Illinois. He completed his plastic and reconstructive surgery residency at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles, California and a general surgery residency, as Chief of Surgical Resident Education, at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood Illinois. Following his residency, Dr. Gassman completed his fellowship in breast and reconstructive microsurgery, with a subspecialty in facial reanimation at UTSW Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Dallas, Texas.

An active researcher with a number of publications, book chapters and abstracts, Dr. Gassman’s clinical research interests include pain reduction after breast reconstruction, enhanced recovery pathway after complex reconstruction, and multi free flap breast reconstruction and perforator free flap reconstruction. Dr. Gassman’s also has a passion for teaching and has spent many years as an associate professor teaching future plastic surgeons advanced breast reconstruction techniques.
Dr. Gassman’s expertise covers all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

He is a member of the American Society of Reconstructive Micorsurgeons, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Plastic Surgery Research Council, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society and the American College of Surgeons.
“I am excited to join this amazing team and extend my heart for service in the San Antonio community,” says Dr. Gassman. “I am passionate about autologous reconstruction and believe the highest form of reconstruction is replacing like with like.”
In his spare time, Dr. Gassman enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, camping, and getting creative in the kitchen.

Curriculum Vitae

San Antonio plastic surgeon specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery

Address: 502 Madison Oak Suite 220,
San Antonio, TX 78258
Tel: (210) 558-7012
Fax: (210) 558-7013

School of Medicine
Loyola University – Maywood, IL
7/2001 – 6/2005

Loyola University – Maywood, IL
7/2005 – 6/2012
General Surgery

University of California Los Angeles -Maywood, IL
7/2012 – 6/2015
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

University of Texas – Southwestern – Dallas, TX
Microsurgery ; Aesthetic
2001-2005 Loyola University School of Medicine, Maywood, IL
Medical Doctorate June 2005
1996-2000 College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Bachelor of Arts

Career Information


Laboratory of Dr. Howard Greisler,
Edwards Hines Jr VA Hospital, Hines VA
Tissue engineering Vascularized Constructs
7/2007- 6/2009

State of California 2011– Present
State of Texas 2015– Present
State of Pennsylvania 2016– Present
State of Illinois (Inactive) 2007–2014
American Board of Surgery 2013
American Board of Plastic Surgery 2017
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons 2019
Outstanding Paper Award
American Society of Plastic Surgery. Los Angeles.
Bostwick Award
32nd Annual Atlanta Breast Surgery Symposium
Best Resident Research Award
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Chief Surgical Resident
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
2014 – 2015
Keeley Fellowship Award
Bernard O’Brien Microsurgical Institute Melbourne
Australia – 2012
Chief Surgical Resident
Loyola University Medical Center
2011 – 2012
Chief of Surgical Resident Education
Loyola University Medical Center
2011 – 2012
Resident of the Year
Loyola University Medical Center
2010 – 2011

Instructor of Surgery
University of Texas – Southwestern
Instructor of Surgery
Parkland – Dallas
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Temple University Hospital
Associate Professor of Surgery
Temple University Hospital
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
Temple University
Surgical Director Transgender Health
Temple University Hospital

Medical director of resident injection clinic: 30 hours /year
Microsurgical skills lab: 20 hours /year
Plastic Surgery Cadaver dissection course: 10 hours /year
Plastic Surgery Journal Club: 30 hours /year
Director of Plastic Surgery Research: 8 hours /month

Temple University
Department of Surgery/ Bioengineering
Lab of Co-PI Leah Bellas, Ph.D.:
Edwin Acevedo
George Taylor
Alex Neusner, MD
TU General Surgery ‘19 – Lahey Clinic – Plastic Surgery
Catherine Kilmartin , MD
TU General Surgery ‘19 – UVA – Plastic Surgery

Alfred Yoon, MD
UCLA MD ’15 – University of Michigan – Plastic Surgery
Corbin Mutlieres MD
TU MD ‘2017 – UCLA – Plastic Surgery
Joseph Tarr, MD, Ph.D.
TU MD ‘2019 – Hofstra – Plastic Surgery
Alexis Lo
TU MD anticipated 2020

Temple University Hosptial
Tutu Cheng MD ; Chirag Mehta MD
Jack Gillespie MD; Jose Munoz MD
Richard Tyrell MD; Judy Pan MD


Salk family trust – Research Fellow – Burn Shock Trauma Institute – 2007–2009 $50,000
Developing Tissue engineered blood vessels
PI: Howard Greisler, MD
Somanetics InVOS / Covidien – Device Trial – 2010–2011 $65,000
The Detection of Lower Extremity Vascular Bypass Occlusion: A comparison between clinical exam and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Somanetics Corporation. Granted device, equipment, and supplies
PI: Self
Plastic Surgery Education Foundation – Seed grant – 2013-2014 $10,000
Remote ischemic Conditioning’s effect on fat transfer retention rate.
PI Self / Justine Lee MD Ph.D.
Credentialing officer – Gender Affirming Surgeries Temple University Hospital 2018-present

PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS (Editor, reviewer, etc.)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Reviewer
2016 – Present
Annals of Plastic of Surgery – Reviewer
2015 – Present
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery – Reviewer
2015 – Present
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine – Reviewer
2010 – 2015
Archives of Surgery – Reviewer
2009 – 2012

Plastic Surgery Research Council – Member
2012 – Present
Membership Committee,
Academic Meeting Review Panel
Mentorship Committee
Coding Committee
Breast Reconstruction Work Group
American Society of Plastic Surgeons – Member
2016 – Present
GRAFT – Steering Committee
Annual Meeting – Academic Program Committee
ASPS Education Network (EdNet) Editorial Committee
2019 – Present
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeons – Member.
2015 – Present

Maroney J, Taylor GA, Lo A, Golpanian S, Prus NW, Livelsberger J, Gassman AA. Ultrasound-guided Hydro-dissection Facilitates Tissue Expander Placement and Components Separation in Complex Ventral Hernia Repair. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2020 Sep 23;8(9):e3051
Haddock N, Gassman AA, Cho MJ, Teotia S. Stacked Profunda Artery Perforator Flap for Breast Reconstruction in Failed or Unavailable Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019 Mar;143(3):488e-494e
Urias D, Sylejmani GB, Rakovica L, Dumire R, Gassman A. Mucinous Eccrine Carcinoma of the Sweat Glands: Characteristics, Treatment, and Survival Outcomes of a Rare Malignancy.
Am Surg. 2018 Aug 1;84(8):e307-e308.
Gassman AA, Pan J, Acevedo E Jr, Haddock N, Teotia S. The superficial and deep inferior epigastric artery composite perforator flap for breast reconstruction: A case report. Microsurgery. 2018 Oct;38(7):799-803
Gillespie JW 3rd, Pandya JK, Agarwal SM, Krakauer M, Gassman AA. Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy for Periocular Necrotizing Fasciitis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open- 2018 Dec 17;6(12):e1921
Tyrell R, Acevedo E, Kilmartin C, Keshamurthy S, Gassman AA. Is non-invasvie indocyanine green angiography a useful adjunct for the debridement of infected sternal wounds? Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. – Volume 16, June 2018, Pages 117-120
Cho MJ, Gassman AA, Teotia SS, Haddock N. Stacked PAP flap breast reconstruction: Second line but not second rate Breast Reconstruction.- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Jun 30, 2018
Cho, MJ, Haddock, NT, Gassman AA, Teotia, SS. Use of Composite Arterial and Venous Grafts in Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction: Technical Challenges and Lessons Learned. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 30, 2018
Pan J, Farias-Eisner G, Kao K, Festekjian JH, Gassman AA. Intraoperative Techniques for the Plastic Surgeon to Improve Pain Control in Breast Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open 11/ 2017
Haddock N., Gassman A, Cho MJ Teotia SS,101 PAP flaps – Lessons learned with our early experience.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 7/2017
Hembd A, Nagarkar P, Perez J, Gassman A, Tolley P, Reisch J, White CL 3rd, Rozen S.
Correlation between facial nerve Axonal Load and age and its relevance to facial reanimation.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2017
Gassman AA, Pezeshk R, Scheuer JF 3rd, Sieber DA, Campbell CF, Rohrich RJ
Special Topics: Anatomic and Clinical implications of the Deep and Superficial Fat Compartments of the Neck.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2017
Gassman A, Bradley JP. Commentary: The outcome of the second fat graft is significantly better than that of the first fat graft for Romberg Syndrome: A study of three-dimensional volumetric analysis.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2016 Dec 18.
Scheuer JF 3rd, Sieber DA, Gassman AA, Pezeshk R,Campbell CF, Rohrich RJ
Danger zones of facial cosmetic fillers.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2017 May;139(5):1103-1108.
Gassman AA, Bradley JP. Repeat Fat Grafting for Parry Rhomberg Disease. Discussion. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 05/2017
Gassman AA, Yoon AP, Tseng CY, Festekjian J, Da Lio AL, and Crisera CA. Comparison of Immediate Postoperative Pain in Implant-Based Breast Reconstructions.
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. 05/2016
Gassman AA, Bradley JP, Kao K, Lee JC. Quantification of adipose transfer viability using a novel, bioluminescent murine model.
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 07/2016
Gassman AA, Bradley JP. Improvement of Fat Graft survival with autologous Bone marrow Aspirate and Bone Marrow Concentrate: A one step method. Discussion.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 04/2016
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Lee JC. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Recipient Tissue Improves the Viability Lipoaspirate During Murine Fat Transfer.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 7/2016
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Improves the Viability of Donor Lipoaspirate During Murine Fat Transfer.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 9/2015
Gassman AA, Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Wall Nerve Block to Reduce Postoperative Pain in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction. – Discussion.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 6/2015
Gassman AA, Yoon AP, Maxhimer JB, Sanchez I, Sethi H, Cheng KW,Tseng CY, Festekjian J, Da Lio AL, and Crisera CA. Comparison of Postoperative Pain Control in Autologous versus Implant-based Breast Reconstruction
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2/2015.
Gassman AA, Metha A, Bucholdz E, Abthani A, Santaniello J, Guerra O, Thomas C. Positive outcomes with Negative pressure therapy over primarily closed large abdominal wall reconstruction reduces surgical site infection rates.
Hernia 10/2014
Gassman AA, Yuan J, Koh J, Miller TA. Case report: Successful Treatment of Lower Eyelid Melanoma in Situ with Imiquimod.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2014 Jun 6;2(5):e154
Gassman AA, Al-Nouri O, Degner B, Phillippi L, Milner R, Aulivola B. Pre-operative aspirin is associated with improved infrainguinal bypass graft patency.
Vascular. 2014 Apr;22(2):105-11
Gassman AA, Fernando E, Holmes C, Kapur U, Eberhardt J. The Development of Cerebral Metastasis after Medical and Surgical treatment of Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Case Reports in Surgery – 2012
Al-Nouri O, Krezalek M, Hershberger R, Halandras P, Gassman A, Aulivola B, Milner R. Failed superficial femoral artery intervention for advanced infrainguinal occlusive disease has a significant negative impact on limb salvage.
Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2012 Jan 5.
Gassman AA, Sinno S, Milner R, Gamelli RL. Case Report: Pyoderma Gangenosum: A new complication after groin exposure for attempted Endovascular Aortic Stent-Graft Placement. Vascular. 2011, Sept 1. Epub
Gassman AA, Kuprys T, Ucuzian AA, Brey E, Matsumura A, Pang Y, Larson J, Greisler HP.Three Dimensional 10% Cyclic Strain Reduces Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cell Angiogenic Sprout Length and Augments Tubulogenesis in Tubular Fibrin Hydrogels.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2011 May;5(5):375-83.
Gassman AA, Kuprys T, Ucuzian AA, Brey E, Matsumura A, Pang Y, Larson J, Greisler HP. Three Dimensional 10% Cyclic Strain Reduces Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cell Angiogenic Sprout Length and Augments Tubulogenesis in Tubular Fibrin Hydrogels. Published abstract. Journal of Surgical Research. February 2010; Volume 158, Issue 2, Pages 171-442.
Ucuzian AA, Brewster LP, East AT, Pang Y, Gassman AA, Greisler HP. “Characterization of the chemotactic and mitogenic response of SMCs to PDGF-BB and FGF-2 in fibrin hydrogels.”
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A. 2010 Sep 1;94(3):988-96.
Cheng MH, Brey EM, Allori AC, Gassman A, Chang DW, Patrick CW Jr, Miller MJ. Periosteum-guided prefabrication of vascularized bone of clinical shape and volume.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Sep;124(3):787-95.
Pang Y, Ucuzian AA, Matsumura A, Brey EM, Gassman AA, Husak VA, Greisler HP. The temporal and spatial dynamics of microscale collagen scaffold remodeling by smooth muscle cells.
Biomaterials. 2009 Apr;30(11):2023-3
Brewster LP, Washington C, Brey EM, Gassman A, Subramanian A, Calceterra J, Wolf W, Hall CL, Velander WH, Burgess WH, Greisler HP.Construction and characterization of a thrombin-resistant designer FGF-based collagen binding domain angiogenesis.
Biomaterials. 2008 Jan;29(3):327-36. Epub 2007 Oct 22.
Patel PK, Morris DE, Gassman A. Complications of orthognathic surgery.
J Craniofac Surg. 2007 Jul;18(4):975-85
Patel PK, Gassman A, Han H. Craniofacial, Orthognathic Surgery.
eMedicine. Web Md. June 28, 2006
Maynard TM, Haskell GT, Bhasin N, Lee JM, Gassman AA, Lieberman JA, LaMantia AS. RanBP1, a velocardiofacial/DiGeorge syndrome candidate gene, is expressed at sites of mesenchymal/epithelial induction.
Mech Dev. 2002 Feb;111(1-2):177-80.

Maynard TM, Haskell GT, Peters AZ, Sikich L, Lieberman JA, LaMantia AS.A comprehensive analysis of 22q11 gene expression in the developing and adult brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2003 Nov 25; 100(24): 14433-14438
Gassman AA, Ucuzian A, East AT, Greisler HP. Molecular Mechanism of Angiogenesis. J Burn Care Res. 2010 Jan-Feb;31(1):158-75

Gassman AA, Greisler HP. Engineering Microcirculation. Tissue Engineering: From Lab to Clinic. Springer 2010
Gassman AA, Mehta A, Thomas C, Fisichella PM. Eventration disease of the abdominal wall In: Hernias: Types, Symptoms and Treatment Publisher: Nova Publisher, 2011.

Gassman A, Patel PK. The Analysis of 3D facial meshes from laser scanning cameras and their role in Craniofacial surgery. St. Luke’s Day, Stritch School of Medicine. 2002 – Maywood, IL
Gassman A., Skin Substitutes: a brief review. Peruvian American Medical Society – Mission & Educational conference 2006 – .Cajamarca, PERU
Szczerba SM, Gassman A. Case report: 3D analysis of Sculptra© volume replacement inpatients with HIV Lipoatrophy. Midwest Association of Plastic Surgeons. 2007 – Chicago, IL
Banich J.,Gassman A. The Quality of life and Psychological Impact of Maxillectomy. American College of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting: Plastic Surgery Chief Resident Forum. 2007. – Pasadena, CA
Sisota M. Gassman A. 3D evaluation and impact on chin and lip projection of the orthognathic surgical patient. UIC School of Dentistry: Orthodontic Surgery Fellow Research Day. 2007. – Chicago, IL
Gassman A, Greisler HP. Novel Bioreactor pump system capable of generating 10% volumetric cyclic strain. TERMIS-NA 2008. San Diego , CA.
Matsumura A, Gassman AA, Greisler HP. Human microvascular endothelial cells containing Feridex paramagnetic particles demonstrate directed sprout patterns when cultured in a static magnetic field. Biomaterials – TERMIS 2009
Matsumura A, Gassman A, Pang Y, Ucuzian A, Greisler HP. Seeding Arteries with Xenogenic ECs and SMCs for Tissue Engineering Blood Vessels. – Chicago VA Research Day.2010 – Award 1st place basic science poster.
Gassman A, Kuprys T, Ucuzian AA, Brey E, Matsumura A, Pang Y, Larson J, Greisler HP. Three Dimensional 10% Cyclic Strain Reduces Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cell Angiogenic Sprout Length and Augments Tubulogenesis in Tubular Fibrin Hydrogels. Podium presentation. SUS/AAS, San Antonio, TX. 2010.
Matsumura A, Gassman A, Ucuzian A, Larson J, Pang Y, Greisler HP. Tissue Engineering Microvascular Networks by Magnetically Patterning ECs within Fibrin Matrices and Incorporating FGF-1 and VEGF. Society For Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition: Animating Materials. Orlando, Florida. 2011
Al-Nouri O, Krezalek M, Hershberger R, Halandras P, Gassman A, Aulivola B, Milner R. Failed superficial femoral artery intervention for advanced infrainguinal occlusive disease has a significant negative impact on limb salvage. Midwest Society of Vascular Surgery. Chicago, IL. 2011
Gassman AA, Al-Nouri O, Phillippi L, Milner R, Aulivola B. Medical optimization with antiplatelet agents and statins improves infrainguinal bypass graft patency. SVS 2012
Gassman AA, Metha A, Bucholdz E, Abthani A, Santaniello J, Guerra O, Thomas C. Positive outcomes with Negative pressure therapy. American College of Surgeons Forum 2012 – Chicago
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Recipients Improves the Viability of Murine Fat Transfer. UCLA Longmire Day – Los Angeles , CA. 2015
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Improves the Viability of Donor Lipoaspirate During Murine Fat Transfer. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeon. Bahamas. 2015
Gassman AA, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Quantification of adipose transfer viability using a novel, bioluminescent murine model. SUS/AAS. Las Vegas, NV 2015
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Recipients Improves the Viability of Murine Fat Transfer. California Society of Plastic Surgery. Monterey, CA. 5/2015
Scheuer III JF, Gassman AA, Pezeshk R, Haddock NT, Teotia SS. A Single Institution Experience Using Bi-pedicled Abdominal Free Flaps for Unilateral Breast Reconstruction. 32nd Annual Atlanta Breast Surgery Symposium
January 22-24, 2016 Atlanta, GA
Gassman AA, Lewis M, Bradley JP, Lee JC. Clinically Relevant Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Improves the Viability of Murine Fat Transfer. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeon. Scottsdale, AZ. 2016
Cullins M, Pezeshk R, Reddy N, Kayfan S, Gassman AA, Haddock N, Teotia S. Striving Towards Optimal Timing in Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: A Single Institution Experience. Poster Presentation at the National Student Research Forum on April 29, 2016 in Galveston, TX.
Kayfan S, Pezeshk R, Reddy N, Cullins M, Gassman AA, Teotia S, Haddock N. Co-surgeons in Breast Reconstructive Microsurgery: What Do They Bring to The Table in an Academic Institution? Poster Presentation at the National Student Research Forum on April 29, 2016 in Galveston, TX.
Reddy N, Pezeshk R, Cullins M, Kayfan S, Gassman AA, Haddock N, Teotia S. Does The Number of Perforators Make a Difference in Complications in DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction? Poster Presentation at the National Student Research Forum on April 29, 2016 in Galveston, TX.
Farias-Eisner G, Gassman AA, Festekjian G. Liposomal Bupivacaine Reduces Postoperative Narcotic Use After Immediate Breast Reconstruction. American Society of Plastic Surgery. September 2016. Los Angeles.
Gassman AA, Kayfan S, Pezeshk R, Reddy N, Cullins M, Teotia S, Haddock N. Standardizing Co-surgeons in Breast Reconstructive Microsurgery. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeon. Wiakaloa, HI 2017
Gassman AA, Teotia SS, Haddock N. The Superfical And Deep Inferior Epigastric (SADIE) Composite Pedicle Flap American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeon. Wiakaloa, HI 2017
Correlation between Facial Nerve Axonal Load and Age and its Relevance to Facial Reanimation Hembd A,Nagarkar,P, Perez J, Gassman AA, Tolley P , Joan Reisch, J, White CL III,, Rozen, SM. American Association of Plastic Surgeons. Austin, TX 2017
Urias D, Sylejmani G, Rakovica L, Dumire, R, Gassman A. Mucinous Eccrine Carcinoma Of The Sweat Glands In The Periorbit: A Case Report and Discussion Southeastern Surgical Congress. Tampa, FL 2/2018

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