Delaying Breast Reconstruction Due To COVID-19 PRMA Plastic Surgery
Delaying Breast Reconstruction Due To COVID-19

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Many women are going to have their therapeutic mastectomy in the absence of a reconstruction if they’re in a geographic area where reconstruction is having to be postponed because of the COVID-19 situation. What we’re going to do in our practice is make every effort to get those patients to […]

COVID-19 and Breast Reconstruction_ Your Questions Answered PRMA Plastic Surgery
COVID-19 and Breast Reconstruction: Your Questions Answered

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin We understand the frustration and concern many patients seeking breast reconstruction are feeling during this time.  Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, most reconstructive surgeries are being delayed for the safety of patients and to help conserve much needed PPE for healthcare workers on the front lines of fighting this virus. To […]

Ideas to Stay Occupied While Sheltering in Place During COVID-19 Outbreak PRMA Plastic Surgery
Ideas to Stay Occupied While Sheltering in Place During COVID-19 Outbreak

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin COVID-19 is now a worldwide pandemic and to help “flatten the curve” and reduce your risk of contracting the disease, experts at the CDC are strongly recommending social distancing.  For highly impacted areas, mandates to “shelter in place” and/or quarantine are also being enforced. Flattening the curve is a phrase used to describe […]

ICU Stay After DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Is It Required PRMA Plastic Surgery
ICU Stay After DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: Is It Required?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Immediate recovery following DIEP flap breast reconstruction (or any flap-based procedure) requires an in-patient hospital stay. Depending on your surgeon and the facility where your surgery is performed, the total amount of time in the hospital after surgery will vary. Likewise, where you choose to have surgery will also determine whether your […]

5 Things You May Not Know about Lymphedema PRMA Plastic Surgery
5 Things You May Not Know about Lymphedema

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Lymphedema is a medical condition common among patients who have undergone breast cancer surgery and/or radiation therapy. Lymphedema develops when the lymphatic fluid “back up” in patients who have had lymph nodes removed, had cancer involvement of the lymph nodes, or had radiation to the axilla. Here are 5 […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19)_ Facts, Symptoms and Prevention PRMA Plastic Surgery
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Facts, Symptoms and Prevention

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What is Coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common in people and many animals. This new strand of coronavirus is a respiratory disease that was first detected in China and has now been detected in almost 70 locations internationally, including in the United States. The […]

Can a Hysterectomy_Oophorectomy be Performed at the Same Time as DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction_ PRMA Plastic Surgery
Can a Hysterectomy/Oophorectomy be Performed at the Same Time as DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin For women that have genetic mutations that increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer (such as the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes), prophylactic surgery may be a good option to help reduce the risk of cancer. Common preventative surgeries include prophylactic mastectomy, oophorectomy (the removal of ovaries) and/or hysterectomy (removal […]