insurance is required to pay for hospital stay after surgery
US Panel Mulls Minimum Breast Cancer Hospital Stay

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Does insurance have to pay for hospital stay after breast cancer surgery? WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A congressional panel on Wednesday said it has bipartisan support for a bill requiring health insurers to pay for a minimum 48-hour hospital stay after breast cancer treatment, to combat what critics call “drive-through” surgeries. […]

surgical options for symmetry after lumpectomy
Breast Reconstruction Advances Fix Distortions Left by Lumpectomy

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Are there breast reconstruction options to fix Lumpectomy defects? ASPS Report Examines Reconstruction Innovations for Breast Cancer Patients Including Partial and Full Mastectomies For Immediate Release: April 2008 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.: Lumpectomy or breast conservation surgery is the most common type of breast cancer surgery currently performed. A benefit […]

restore feeling after mastectomy prma plastic surgery
DIEP Flap Reconstruction And Breast Cancer Recurrence

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Can DIEP flap breast reconstruction prevent the detection of breast cancer recurrence?  This is a very important issue that is often not discussed. A handful of studies have shown that breast reconstruction (with any reconstructive technique) does not impact local recurrence or long term survival in patients with early […]

Breast Reconstruction Message Boards, Groups & Forums

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are not well informed about their breast reconstruction options. With your help we can change this. We truly believe that sharing your journey with other breast cancer patients is invaluable and will allow women to make a more informed decision about breast reconstruction. PRMA […]

Common DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Misconceptions

  Many misconceptions lead patients to believe the DIEP flap is too risky or painful. Some women choose to go with implant reconstruction, believing the journey will be easier. However, many of these patients will go on to experience common implant-related complications (such as pain, capsular contracture, rippling, cold-feeling breasts, etc.) and will require multiple […]