Common Abbreviations for Breast Cancer & Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Common Abbreviations for Breast Cancer & Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin When diagnosed with breast cancer, you may begin to come across a wealth of information with abbreviations that look something like this… “DCIS, ER/PR+, HER2.” You may wonder what many of these acronyms mean. Below you will find a list of common abbreviations and what they mean. PRMA– Plastic, […]

What is a Surgical Drain & Drain Care Best Practices PRMA Plastic Surgery
What is a Surgical Drain & Drain Care Best Practices

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Most patients undergoing breast surgery or breast reconstruction surgery will have at least one Jackson-Pratt drain (drain) placed after surgery. Surgery causes damage to the blood and lymph vessels and surrounding tissue. An inflammatory response occurs, and the severed vessels and tissues will produce clear fluid in response. The purpose […]

Intermittent Fasting – Is This A Healthy Weight Loss Trend for Breast Cancer Patients PRMA Plastic Surgery
Intermittent Fasting – Is This A Healthy Weight Loss Trend for Breast Cancer Patients?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Intermittent Fasting was the most googled term in January 2020. Intermittent Fasting is defined by setting a certain window each day to consume food. The remaining daily hours are designated for fasting (meaning you do not consume any nutrition). Typically, eating is permitted during an 8-hour window and fasting takes […]

3 Tips to Help a Loved One After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis PRMA Plastic Surgery
3 Tips to Help a Loved One After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin A cancer diagnosis overwhelming. It can also be devastating to hear that a loved one has received this terrible news. Once the initial blow of the news of a loved one’s diagnosis has passed, many are left with the question of “What can I do to help and support them?” Below […]

Is DIEP Flap Surgery the Same as a Tummy Tuck PRMA Plastic Surgery
Is DIEP Flap Surgery the Same as a Tummy Tuck

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin DIEP flap breast reconstruction uses a patient’s lower abdominal tissue to recreate a warm, soft, natural breast following a mastectomy. It is often said the abdominal skin and fat used during DIEP flap surgery is removed in a way that is “similar to a Tummy Tuck,” but what does that really […]

PRMA Presented ERAS Study at SABCS 2019 PRMA Plastic Surgery
PRMA Presented ERAS Study at SABCS 2019

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Each year, healthcare experts and patient advocates gather in San Antonio to present the latest research findings and updates on clinical trials at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. This year, PRMA was honored to present our research finding from our Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol. Thanks to our […]

Record 727 Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedures in 2019 PRMA Plastic Surgery
Record 727 Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedures in 2019

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin 2019 was another incredible year at PRMA Plastic Surgery | Center for Advanced Breast Reconstruction. This year we celebrated the practice’s 25th anniversary, completed our record breaking 8,500th flap based breast reconstruction procedure AND closed out the year setting a new annual practice record of completing a total of 727 flaps in a year! […]

Are Breast Implants Permanent PRMA Plastic Surgery
​Are Breast Implants Permanent?

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What are breast implants? Breast implants are commonly used for cosmetic reasons (breast augmentation) to enhance a natural breast, or for reconstruction following a mastectomy to restore the shape and size of the breast. Implants consist of silicone shells filled with either saline or silicone gel. They are available in various different shapes (round or […]

Wound Dressings After Breast Reconstruction Surgery PRMA Plastic Surgery
Wound Dressings After Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin After any type of surgery, it is important to keep all incisions clean and dry to reduce the likelihood of post-surgery infections. Following breast reconstruction, patients can expect to have wound dressings on the breast and possibly other areas of the body (like the abdomen or thighs) depending on the […]