partial breast reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery

What is partial breast reconstruction?

A study published in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery concluded patients undergoing breast conservation therapy have an unmet demand for partial breast reconstruction knowledge.

The study showed only 22.7% of patients undergoing a lumpectomy were aware partial reconstruction was an option. If offered, 33.1% of patients said they would have attended the reconstruction consultation. These numbers represent a major need for increased awareness and information on partial breast reconstruction options after breast conservation therapy.

Patients treated with breast conservation therapy are also candidates for partial breast reconstruction surgery, also known as oncoplastic surgery. Oncoplastic surgery is breast reconstruction performed at the same time as a lumpectomy. During an oncoplastic procedure, the lumpectomy tissue is removed by the breast surgeon in a way that allows the plastic surgeon to simultaneous shape the remaining breast tissue to match the unaffected breast. For some patients, oncoplastic surgery may include a small breast reduction on the unaffected breast.

Fat grafting can also be used correct partial breast defects following a lumpectomy. The procedure is performed by liposuctioning fat from one part of a patient’s body, purifying it and then injecting the fat into the breast.

To learn if you are a candidate, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us here or call us at (800) 692-5565.

Author: Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo and Courtney Floyd

Patients treated with breast conservation therapy are also candidates for partial breast reconstruction surgery, also known as oncoplastic surgery.

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