prma billing will submit everything to your insurance for you

Did you know insurance is required by law to cover your breast reconstruction surgery? That’s right! Not only are insurance companies required to cover your affected breast, they are also required to cover surgery of your unaffected breast as well.

Though this is reassuring for women, it does not take away the added stress of trying to keep up with deductibles, co-insurance rates, and out of pocket maximums. After numerous office visits, various procedures, and reconstructive surgery, it can be difficult to keep all your bills organized.

The PRMA billing department is staffed with insurance and billing specialists available to answer any of your questions. We want you to know we are here! If you ever have any questions regarding your insurance coverage please comment below and one of our billing specialist will respond. You can also give us a call any time at 800-692-5565.


Author: Courtney Floyd

Did you know insurance is required by law to cover your breast reconstruction surgery? That’s right! Not only are insurance companies required to cover your affected breast, they are also required to cover surgery of your unaffected breast as well.

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A Beautiful DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Journey

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The Angelina Effect - 5 Common BRCA Gene Questions
