Linda shares why she chose to undergo DIEP flap breast reconstruction at PRMA in San Antonio, Texas
DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction
I knew insurance would cover my reconstruction anywhere, and anything I wanted, so, for me, the outcome was the only criteria. I interviewed the only local plastic surgeon who would do a Tram flap (nobody would perform a DIEP), but I was unimpressed with his photos. His nurse said the aim was to look good in clothes. That wasn’t good enough for me. I wanted to look good naked. After all, I have to look at myself every time I get out of the shower for the rest of my life. I didn’t want to see the effects of cancer on my body forever. Since insurance was covering it 100 percent, the costs of traveling wasn’t a real issue. PRMA’s photos were the most natural I found online. I decided that I finally needed to put myself first for once. Yes, it was inconvenient, but I was worth it. I would only have one opportunity to get it right, and the results would be life-long. My ob-gyn said my scars “lie”. They tell him I’ve had a breast reduction and a tummy tuck instead of bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction.
Thank you, Dr. Ochoa and Crystal for amazing results and for making this journey bearable. I feel whole and confident. I will recommend PRMA to anyone who is diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank you PRMA!
-Shellie from San Antonio, TX

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