Traveling for Breast Reconstruction Just Got a Lot Cheaper
Traveling for Breast Reconstruction Just Got a Lot Cheaper

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What is the cost of traveling for breast reconstruction? Great news! Well, to be honest, it’s not really “news” anymore since it happened a few of months ago but I have come across several patients that didn’t know about this so I thought I’d post about it…. PRMA Plastic […]

How To Boost Wound Healing After Surgery PRMA Plastic Surgery
How To Boost Wound Healing After Surgery

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Wounds need a lot of energy to heal well. Since energy can only come from food, it is vital that patients eat as healthily as possible especially before and after surgery. Crucial nutrients for wound healing include protein, zinc and the vitamins A and C. So what are the best […]

Breast Reconstruction Timing_ Immediate vs Delayed Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Breast Reconstruction Timing: Immediate vs Delayed Reconstruction

July 08, 2020 Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin When is the best time to have breast reconstruction?  With so much to think about after a breast cancer diagnosis, many patients facing mastectomy do not fully understand how the timing of breast reconstruction influences how the reconstructed breasts will ultimately look. Breast reconstruction can be performed […]

Surgical team and surgeon conducting a diep flap reconstruction in an operating room
TRAM Flap vs DIEP Flap: What’s the Difference?

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What’s the difference between the TRAM and DIEP flap?  Up until a few years ago, the TRAM flap was the gold standard in breast reconstruction after mastectomy. The TRAM has now been surpassed by the DIEP flap for that honor. For patient’s researching their reconstructive options after mastectomy, it is important […]

too thin for diep flap prma plastic surgery
“Too Thin” For A DIEP Flap?

July 08, 2020 Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Can you be too thin for DIEP flap breast reconstruction?  Many patients think, or are told by other surgeons, they are “too thin” for DIEP flap breast reconstruction.  In many cases, these patients are in fact great DIEP candidates.  Dr. Pisano and Dr. Chrysopoulo explain further […]

breast reconstruction cost
How Much Does Breast Reconstruction Cost?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin How much does breast reconstruction cost?    The two most common questions among breast cancer patients considering breast reconstruction are “how much does breast reconstruction cost?” and “will my insurance cover it?” The good news is that even though breast reconstruction is performed by plastic surgeons, it is NOT considered […]

Breast Reconstruction_ Reconstructive Options After Mastectomy
Breast Reconstruction: Reconstructive Options After Mastectomy

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What are the breast reconstruction options after a mastectomy?  Every woman has a right to breast reconstruction surgery after breast cancer. This has been a federal mandate for some time and insurance companies have to pay for breast reconstruction surgery by law. There is no age limitation for breast […]

Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy & Lumpectomy - What Are Your Options PRMA Plastic Surgery
Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy & Lumpectomy – What Are Your Options?

July 08, 2020 Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What are your breast reconstruction options after a lumpectomy or mastectomy?  Breast reconstruction makes women physically whole again after breast cancer. It restores something that nature provided but cancer has taken away. In the US, it is covered by insurance thanks to a 1998 Federal Mandate. Unfortunately, many […]

Growing New Breasts from Fat Stem Cells: Fact or Fiction? Is this the Future of Breast Reconstruction

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Author: Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo Can you grow new breasts from fat stem cells for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy?  A new form of breast reconstruction that allows women to grow new breasts from their own fat cells after a mastectomy could be offered to British and Australian breast cancer patients […]