A letter to myself after my diagnosis…

A letter to myself after my diagnosis…

So many thoughts/emotions occur that encompass this battle with breast cancer: apprehension, skepticism, trust, prayer, on and on. With all of these comes the memories of smiles and laughter. When I was identified as the oldest patient at PRMA, I asked for a Senior Citizen Discount. To which was responded, “Medicare IS your discount.” It’s impossible not to see the humor in this situation.

My doctor, Peter Ledoux, recognized at my first consultation that I was ambivalent as to the types of surgical reconstruction. I had been advised by family and friends as to what to do and what NOT to do. There were many factors that had to be evaluated. Dr. Ledoux was patient, kind, and explained each procedure and the benefits or limitations of each. He suggested my husband and I go home and discuss what we felt was best for me. Even doing that, it still took unexpected factors to arrive at the final decision for the type of reconstruction best for me.  Through it all, Dr. Ledoux offered his best advice and supported whatever decision we made. It was a difficult process but we felt we had the PRMA team on our side.

With Dr. Ledoux, his staff was always helpful and, as I mentioned earlier, lots of smiles. Even the office staff was smiling and welcoming. That made each visit less severe. When I had questions, some of which were unimportant I’m sure, Jonnie or one of the other nurses answered my emails to reassure me that all was well. I was confident that they had consulted with Dr. Ledoux and I was receiving the best advice.

With all of my office visits, I’ve seen the slide presentation in the lobby many times. I still feel the outstanding care as each PRMA Doctor tells of his personal commitment to each of his patients as well as to each patient in this practice. 

Finally, I smile as I write this knowing all is well. The cancer is no more and the reconstruction is beautiful. I feel blessed.


A loving patient.


Moving forward from breast cancer isn’t always easy.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with information and questions about your breast reconstruction journey, you are not alone!  We have patients who have been in your shoes and they are here to help!  Learn more here!


“To me, this number represents how many strong women I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and hopefully helping in their breast cancer treatment and reconstruction journey,” shares PRMA Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Ramon Garza III. 

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