how is nipple reconstruction done

How is nipple reconstruction performed after a mastectomy? 

If you’re like me, you’re really curious to know how your surgeon reconstructs your nipple after your breast reconstruction surgery. Although there are many different ways to do the procedure, the bow-tie method, which gets its name from the bow-tie shaped incision, is the method used by PRMA surgeons. This procedure can be done during your revision stage in the operating room, or as a separate procedure in the office. The nipple and areola are later tattooed to match your original color by the nurse during an in-office procedure.

Sit back, relax and watch Dr. Ledoux as he performs a nipple reconstruction procedure, live!

Author: Dr. Peter Ledoux and Brandy (Korman) Haslam


Sit back, relax and watch Dr. Ledoux as he performs a nipple reconstruction procedure, live!

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11 Comment

  1. Karin

    I am 4 days post op from having phase 2 with nipple reconstruction. I loved watching this and seeing what went on while I was “sleeping.” I am so in awe of Dr. Ledoux. He is such a talented, gifted surgeon as I am sure every doctor at PRMA is. I am so happy with my reconstruction. I never thought my body would look so good and I would feel so whole again after breast cancer. It has been an amazing journey and Dr. Ledoux has been a blessing in my life.

  2. Karen

    I’m getting ready to have this surgery done. Ginny recommended I watch the video, but Dr. Ledoux said “No, don’t watch it. It’s too bloody!” Don’t worry, Dr. Ledoux, it wasn’t too bad. I’m having the procedure done in the office, so I’m hoping LARGE amounts of drugs will be administered!

  3. Carmen

    Saw the video and I’m impressed. I need to have the same surgery. I need information about protocols and costs. I live in Puerto Rico and need to make arrangements.

    1. PRMA Plastic Surgery

      Hi Carmen, I would love to help you get set up with an appointment with one of our surgeons. Please give me a call at 800.692.5565 or email me at patientadvocate@prmaplasticsurgery.com. -Brandy

  4. Novelett

    Need to have breast reconstruction done on my right breast have my masectomy done august 26 currently living in jamaica

    1. ePRMA Plastic Surgery

      Hi Novelett, I’d be happy to talk with you and give you some more information regarding your options for breast reconstruction. Please give me a call at 800.692.5565 or email patientadvocate@prmaplasticsurgery.com. You can also complete our virtual consultation to see if you are a good candidate for reconstruction. That form is here: https://prma-enhance.com/schedule-your-consultation/. Let me know if you have any questions. -Brandy

  5. Susie

    I cannot say enough wonderful things about PRMA especially Dr. Ledoux and Amy… All the nurses are awesome but Amy was so good when I got so sick. They are very special people to me. I have stage 2 on Halloween Oct. 31. I hope he can make my nipple while in surgery so I don’t have to have it done in the office. I have become squeamish since having cancer and the journey I have traveled. Dr. Ledoux will always have a special place in my heart as he is a very gifted surgeon and a wonderful Christian man the prayed with me before my first surgery because I was so nervous.

  6. Catherine

    I am impressed. I had a nipple reconstruction done in 2007 after my first Mastectomy w/TRAM reconstruction. I was diagnosed again in June of this year but I had to get an expander put in and will have the permanent implant put in Dec 16. My first reconstruction was perfect as is this one so far. Will I be able to get the same type of nipple reconstruction with an implant in.

    1. PRMA Plastic Surgery

      You sure will Catherine! If you ever have any questions feel free to call me at 800-692-5565. Thanks!—Courtney

  7. Cassandra

    I have no areaola or nipple and would love this reconstruction. I do need my right implant replaced and then would like to have this nipple procedure.

    1. PRMA Plastic Surgery

      Good morning Cassandra! Thanks so much for reaching out. We would be more than happy to discuss your options with you if you are interested in nipple reconstruction at PRMA. The best place to start is by giving our office a call to set up a consultation. You can reach us during normal business hours at 800-692-5565. We look forward to hearing from you soon!