Sarah Bock, PA-C, PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeing after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP

What Happens if You Start Your Period Before Surgery?

Starting your period before a surgery can be a cause of concern for many women. It is important to understand that surgery puts physical and emotional stress on the body so it is not uncommon to start menstruating prior to surgery or experience changes to your menstrual cycle following surgery. It is always important to discuss with your medical team, any potential risks or changes your body will experience following a procedure.

In this article, we will discuss how to best prepare for surgery during your menstrual cycle, including information about menstruation and surgery. We will also provide tips on how to make sure you are as prepared as possible for your upcoming surgery.

How to Prepare for Surgery During Your Menstrual Cycle

Preparing for surgery is a stressful experience, and it can seem even more daunting if you are on your menstrual cycle. One thing we tell patients prior to surgery if menstruating is to wear a pad and not a tampon. As Sarah PA-C explains, “if you have a certain brand of pad you prefer, [please] bring that with you on the day of your surgery otherwise the hospital can provide them for you.” We do not recommend the use of tampons while your surgery is taking place because there is no guarantee to when they can be changed, and we want to avoid risk of TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Tips & Resources for Women Going into the Operating Room While on Their Periods

It is important to know that being on your period will not effect the timing of your surgery or the results of your surgery. It is normal to experience menstrual irregularities when the body is experiencing both mental and physical stress. In most cases, your cycle should return to normal in a rather short period of time following a procedure.

Preparing & Taking Care of Yourself Around the Time of Surgery During Your Menstrual Cycle

Be sure to come prepared to the hospital with pads of your liking however note the hospital can provide them as well. Understand your body is going through changes and it is normal to experience menstrual irregularities that should return to normal after surgery. Be sure to always consult your medical team if you have any further questions or concerns prior to surgery.


-Hannah Bowersox PA-C, Sarah Bock PA-C & Tabetha Williams

“Set realistic, attainable goals after your surgery. Your body is going to feel different now than it did before surgery. If you are doing it simply to lose weight or get back into a certain dress or pant size you may be setting yourself up for failure. Reset your compass.”

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