Another Record Breaking Month at PRMA - October 2018 PRMA Plastic Surgery
Another Record Breaking Month at PRMA – October 2018

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin How many DIEP flaps does PRMA Plastic Surgery perform in a month? We’ve done it yet again!  For the second time this year, PRMA Plastic Surgery has set another record for number of DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedures in one month! For the month of October, our surgeons performed a record breaking 79 DIEP […]

PSTM 2018 Shared Decision Making Presentation Recap PRMA Plastic Surgery
PSTM 2018 Shared Decision Making Presentation Recap

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Author: Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo and Courtney Floyd PRMA’s Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo had the privilege of joining Dr. Hani Sbitany, Terri Coutee and Kristin Litz to discuss the importance of shared decision-making at Plastic Surgery the Meeting 2018. “Once upon a time, I’d tell a patient their breast reconstruction options and the […]

Tissue Expanders Used in DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
How Tissue Expanders are Used in Conjunction with DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin How are tissue expanders used in with DIEP flap breast reconstruction? Tissue expanders are most commonly used in patients seeking implant reconstruction. However, in select situations, tissue expanders can be placed prior to DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Most situations involve the potential for radiation. Radiation therapy can impact breast reconstruction in […]

Lymphedema Surgery and Breast Reconstruction Options to Corpus Christi, Texas PRMA Plastic Surgery
PRMA Now Offering Lymphedema Surgery and Breast Reconstruction Options to Corpus Christi, Texas

July 20, 2020   Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Where can you go for breast reconstruction in Corpus Christi, Texas? We are excited to announce we are expanding again!  We are now offing our breast reconstruction and lymphedema surgery expertise to Corpus Christi, Texas. Dr. Ramon Garza III will be opening clinic doors beginning November 2, 2018. “We believe expanding our reach […]

Patient of Courage Award PRMA Plastic Surgery
PRMA Patient Awarded ASPS’s Patient of Courage Award

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin We are proud to announce former PRMA patient—Terri Coutee of DIEP C Foundation—has been awarded the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s Patient of Courage Award for 2018! The Patients of Courage: Triumph Over Adversity program honors reconstructive plastic surgery patients whose lives were restored through reconstructive plastic surgery and whose […]

breast advocate app PRMA Plastic Surgery
The Breast Advocate® App

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is there a free app with breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction information PRMA recommends? Yes! The world’s first shared decision-making app for breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction has officially launched! It’s called the Breast Advocate® App. Free to download, the app provides personalized, evidence-based breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction […]

Prevena - Preventative Wound Care Dressing Following Breast Reconstruction Surgery PRMA Plastic Surgery
Prevena – Preventative Wound Care Dressing Following Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is there anything that can prevent wound healing problems caused by breast reconstruction surgery? For majority of patients undergoing breast reconstruction, surgical incisions will heal up normally.  In rare cases, it may be necessary to seek additional therapy for wound healing.  At PRMA, we take extra precautions with our high risk patients […]

Fat Grafting Breast Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Fat Grafting – An Important Tool in Breast Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What is fat grafting? Fat grafting is a procedure that has been around for many years. It is widely used in breast reconstruction surgery today. it can correct partial breast defects after lumpectomy it is used in conjunction with other breast reconstruction techniques to optimize breast contour and improve the […]

Breast Reconstruction Words of Wisdom PRMA Plastic Surgery
Breast Reconstruction Words of Wisdom

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin How can you prepare for breast reconstruction surgery?  Planning for breast reconstruction can feel overwhelming. Not knowing what to expect or how to prepare for surgery can lead to undue stress. We reached out to a wonderful group of ladies and had them share their best tips for before, […]

Sleeping Comfortably After Breast Reconstruction Surgery PRMA Plastic Surgery
Sleeping Comfortably After Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin It is important to get plenty of rest following breast reconstruction surgery to help aid the healing process. But it can be difficult to get yourself comfortable for a good night’s sleep. As with any surgery, you may experience some discomfort while recovering which may make it difficult to rest. […]