Is DIEP Flap a Major Surgery?
Is DIEP Flap a Major Surgery?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin DIEP flap breast reconstruction is considered to be a major surgery. Likewise, most reconstructive surgeries, including implants, can be considered major surgery as well. To avoid patients being put off by the idea of undergoing DIEP flap because it is a major surgery, we will explain why it’s deemed “major” […]

Dr Steven Pisano, PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeing after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP
Will My Breasts Look Unnatural After Breast Reconstruction?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin A common misconception we often hear at PRMA is, “My breasts will look unnatural after breast reconstruction.”  The answer is no. Patients have many options when it comes to breast reconstruction today. These options range from “flap” techniques such as the DIEP flap which uses the patient’s own tissue to […]

What is Micropigmentation
What is Micropigmentation?

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Breast reconstruction is an important part of the recovery process for many breast cancer patients. If you choose to undergo breast reconstruction there are options to help you achieve a natural-looking result. Breast reconstruction is typically performed in multiple stages. Patients can choose to undergo implant reconstruction or reconstruction […]

High-Definition DIEP Flap Live Q&A with Dr. Andrew Gassman

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin We recently hosted a Facebook LIVE discussing high definition DIEP flap breast reconstruction.  If you missed it, don’t worry!  You can catch the replay below. What is high definition DIEP flap?  Something that has been evolving in our practice is how we address the donor site and improve the […]

Dr Minas Chrysopoulo, PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeing after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP
DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: What to Expect

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin When preparing for DIEP flap surgery, or when weighing breast reconstruction options, knowing what to expect is important. DIEP flap reconstruction surgery uses the lower abdominal skin and fat to recreate a breast following breast cancer surgery. How is DIEP surgery performed? The surgery is performed in an in-patient setting, […]

Can Healthy Habits Decrease Your Risk Of Breast Cancer?
Can Healthy Habits Decrease Your Risk Of Breast Cancer?

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin If you are worried about getting breast cancer, you might be asking yourself if there are any ways you can reduce the risk. Some risk factors, such as family history and genetics, are unavoidable. However, you can decrease your risk by making several healthy and manageable lifestyle changes. What can […]

4 Tips for a Healthy Recovery after Breast Reconstruction
4 Tips for a Healthy Recovery after Breast Reconstruction

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin During the early weeks after your breast reconstruction procedure, it is important to maintain light activity and range of motion in your upper extremities with gentle stretching and exercise. Your medical team will give you special instructions for post-surgery exercise recommendations specific to your needs. Patients are generally cleared to […]

How Much Fat Do You Need For DIEP Flap?
How Much Fat Do You Need For DIEP Flap?

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Patients often ask how much fat is needed for DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery. Although there is no textbook fat requirement for DIEP flap surgery, there are three factors to consider when answering the question—BMI, how an individual’s weight is distributed, and final result expectations. The amount of fat […]

What are the Risks of Fat Grafting in Breast Reconstruction?
What are the Risks of Fat Grafting in Breast Reconstruction?

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Fat grafting surgery is an option for any individual seeking breast reconstruction following breast cancer. The procedure is performed by removing fat from one area of the body via liposuction and then reinjecting the fat into the chest/breast. Fat grafting can be performed following a lumpectomy to improve breast […]

PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeing after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP
DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction at PRMA: Priscilla’s Story

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin The DIEP flap is the most advanced breast reconstruction technique currently available today. At PRMA, it is also the recommended method. The procedure uses the patient’s own abdominal skin and fat. After a mastectomy, the tissue is used to recreate a natural, warm, soft breast. The DIEP, unlike the TRAM flap, preserves […]