Running After Breast Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery

What is it like working out again after breast reconstruction?

In October 2013, at the age of 40 I was diagnosis with stage 3C breast cancer. I was a runner and a triathlete and continued to run and exercise through treatment.

In 2014, when I had my mastectomy I opted for implants because at the time I did not have enough stomach tissue for bilateral DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Dr. Ledoux did a wonderful job with my implant reconstruction and as soon as I was released, I started running again, and in December 2015 I completed my come back 13.1 half marathon! Although I was able to run with implants, they were hard which made wearing a sports bra more uncomfortable.  They also didn’t move at all. It was strange to run without having your breast move.

I had my implants for 4 years.  During that time the radiated side got very tight and uncomfortable and developed scar tissue. Due to the tightening, my breast became very uneven and even more uncomfortable. Over those 4 years I gained some weight and in 2017 decided to have my implants removed and replaced with DIEP flap reconstruction.

On January 25, 2018 I underwent DIEP flap reconstruction. After only 8 weeks I was released to exercise without any restrictions and the first thing I did was go for a run! It was wonderful! My breasts actually moved like natural breasts while I was running. I no longer have the tightness in my right breast like a did with implants which has improved my overall movement and range of motion.

Today I enjoy running, dance classes, spin classes, hiking and yoga. You would never know by looking at me that I had breast reconstruction. Sports bras fit me just like anyone other women and my breasts look like I am in my 20’s again. My breast are soft, and look and feel more naturally. Dr. Ledoux is an artist and I am so thankful for him and the staff at PRMA!

Author: Courtney Floyd

running after diep flap breast reconstruction

Today I enjoy running, dance classes, spin classes, hiking and yoga. You would never know by looking at me that I had breast reconstruction.

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Running After Breast Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Running After Breast Reconstruction
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