Reducing Stress Before Breast Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Reducing Stress Before Breast Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin How can I reduce stress before breast reconstruction surgery?  Before most breast reconstruction surgery, patients experience some level of excitement and nervousness. This is normal! After all, your life and body are about to change forever! Eliminating stress before surgery can help ensure a positive mindset and ease the […]

BRCA Positive and Proactively Confident PRMA Plastic Surgery
BRCA Positive and Proactively Confident

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin When we were little girls, the idea of looking into a glass ball to see our futures unfold was a blissful imaginative paradise inspired by our favorite fairy tales. Today, young women are capable of taking a glimpse into their own futures with advancements in medical screenings such as the […]

PRMA Performs Record Breaking 60 DIEP Flaps
PRMA Performs Record Breaking 60 DIEP Flaps in April

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin PRMA Plastic Surgery is excited to say that in the month of April the surgeons performed a record breaking 60 DIEP flap breast reconstructions. This makes PRMA one of very few breast reconstruction centers in the world to achieve such a high number of successful DIEP flaps in one month. […]

The Nipple-Areola Tattooing Experience PRMA Plastic Surgery
The Nipple-Areola Tattooing Experience

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin How is nipple tattooing performed after breast cancer surgery?  Breast reconstruction offers women the opportunity to regain their self-image and individuality after breast cancer. The final phase of breast reconstruction is the nipple-areola tattooing. This procedure is also known as Micropigmentation (medical tattooing) and is designed to restore the color and […]

Hospital Must Haves for Breast Reconstruction Surgery PRMA Plastic Surgery
Hospital Must Haves for Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What should I bring to the hospital for breast reconstruction surgery?  So, you are about to head to the hospital for your breast reconstruction, and you have to stay there for a few days! Here is a list of items you should consider packing to make your stay a […]

Research by PRMA Surgeons Decreases DIEP Flap Complications PRMA Plastic Surgery
Research by PRMA Surgeons Decreases DIEP Flap Complications

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is there a way to reduce complication rates during DIEP flap breast reconstruction?  A study conducted at PRMA and published in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, finds that the use of a second vein during DIEP flap surgery, a procedure that rebuilds the patient’s breasts after mastectomy using her own […]

Feeling Feminine After Breast Cancer PRMA Plastic Surgery
Feeling Feminine After Breast Cancer

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Can you still feel feminine after breast cancer surgery?  Beautiful, sexy, confident–these are words commonly used by our culture today to describe the women in magazines, television shows, and in the movies. It is hard as “normal” women not to feel the pressure this society places on your shoulders to […]

Woman with her two children smiling at the camera with a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon.
Plastic Surgery Isn’t All About Looks

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is plastic surgery more than a breast augmentation?  When you think of plastic surgery, you may imagine someone getting a breast augmentation, or maybe even think about celebrities who’ve undergone the knife in attempts to defy the aging process. Tummy tuck, face lift, nose job – the list goes on. […]

Traveling for Breast Cancer Reconstruction PRMA Plastic Surgery
Traveling for Breast Cancer Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is is possible to travel for breast reconstruction?  Unfortunately when it comes to breast reconstruction, some women will have to travel away from home to get the surgery they want. Procedures like the DIEP flap are not widely performed due to the complexity of the surgery and limited number […]