Is an ICU stay needed after DIEP flap breast reconstruction?
No ICU Stay Needed: PRMA’s Advanced Surgical Techniques and Recovery Protocols

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin DIEP (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator) flap surgery is a popular breast reconstruction surgery that uses a patient’s own abdominal tissue to reconstruct the breast after a mastectomy. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular due to its high success rate and natural-looking results.   One concern that many patients have when […]

TruSense®️| Prevent numbness and restore feeling after a mastectomy

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Breast cancer is a devastating diagnosis that affects millions of women every year. For many women, a mastectomy is the recommended course of action to remove the cancerous tissue. While a mastectomy can be lifesaving, it often comes with the undesired side effect of lost sensation in the remaining breast […]

Dr Steven Pisano, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeling after mastectomy, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP
Too Thin For DIEP Flap? You May Have Other Flap Options! Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin What happens if you are too thin for DIEP flap surgery? At PRMA we have successfully performed DIEP flap reconstructions on women with BMI’s of 20 and even less. For those who are deemed “Too Thin” for DIEP flap surgery, often it’s as simple a gaining a little bit […]

DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction
This Simple Coding Change Could Kill Access to DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction for Thousands of Americans

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Changes in medical coding by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will severely limit the breast reconstruction options women have available through insurance, potentially making procedures like the DIEP flap a viable choice only for the very wealthy. “It’s Only Coding” Until recently, DIEP flap breast reconstruction and […]

PRMA Plastic Surgery, San Antonio, Texas, Stone Oak | Specialist in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, restoring feeing after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP
PRMA Performs Record Breaking 11,000th Flap-Based Breast Reconstruction Procedure to End the Year

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin PRMA reached a new milestone at the end of December 2022 – we officially completed our 11,000th flap-based breast reconstruction procedure. This accomplishment distinguishes PRMA as one of the busiest breast centers in the world and is a testament to our team’s dedication to rebuilding lives after breast cancer. “The […]

The Ultimate Breast Reconstruction Gift Giving Guide
The Ultimate Breast Reconstruction Gift Giving Guide

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Christmas is a magical and joyful time of year that goes by too fast. However, for those who have to spend Christmas preparing and recovering for surgery, the holidays may seem endless. There are many creative Christmas gifts for patients who are going through the breast reconstruction journey. If they […]