Summer Scar Care: Minimizing Darkness for DIEP Flap and Breast Scars: Expert Tips from PRMA Plastic Surgery, DIEP Flap Recovery: A Six Week Guide, Understanding DIEP FLAP Reconstruction, Insurance and Breast Reconstruction, ERAS Protocol, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap
Summer Scar Care: Minimizing Darkness for DIEP Flap and Breast Scars: Expert Tips from PRMA Plastic Surgery

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin We understand that caring for scars is a crucial part of the healing process for our patients. As summer approaches, it’s important to pay extra attention to scar care, particularly for individuals who have undergone DIEP Flap and other breast surgeries. We will discuss some of the best practices […]

Breast Reconstruction With Tissue Much Safer Than Implants When Radiation Planned After Mastectomy prma plastic surgery
Improved Safety for Breast Reconstruction with Tissue Compared to Implants with Post-Mastectomy Radiation Therapy

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Is breast reconstruction using your own tissue safe? A study published in the November issue of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics examined the effect of radiation therapy on different methods of immediate breast reconstruction surgery. For breast cancer patients who receive radiation therapy after a mastectomy and immediate breast […]

DIEP Flap Recovery: A Six Week Guide, Understanding DIEP FLAP Reconstruction, Insurance and Breast Reconstruction, ERAS Protocol, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap
DIEP Flap Recovery: A Six Week Guide

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What can you expect during DIEP flap reconstruction recovery?  If you are preparing for DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery, you may be wondering what to expect during the recovery period. At PRMA, we have utilize the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol that helps our patients recover faster and […]

Insurance and Breast Reconstruction, ERAS Protocol, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap
Insurance Coverage for Breast Cancer Reconstruction

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin Does insurance pay for breast reconstruction?  As a breast cancer survivor, you may have questions about insurance coverage for breast reconstruction. We understand that insurance can be complicated and confusing, so we reached out to our insurance expert, Sharon Lacey, to help clear up some of the confusion. Here […]

Understanding DIEP FLAP Reconstruction, Insurance and Breast Reconstruction, ERAS Protocol, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap
Understanding DIEP Flap Reconstruction: FAQs, Recovery, and Best Practices

Share on   Facebook Twitter Linkedin What is DIEP flap reconstruction surgery? DIEP flap reconstruction surgery, or Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator flap surgery, is a type of breast reconstruction surgery that uses tissue from the lower abdomen to create a new breast after a mastectomy. It is a microsurgical procedure that involves transferring blood vessels, […]

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, ERAS Protocol, restoring feeling after mastectomy, aesthetic plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, TruSense®, High Definition DIEP flap
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS): The Future of Perioperative Care at PRMA Plastic Surgery

Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin At PRMA Plastic Surgery, we are committed to providing the best possible care for our patients. That’s why we have adopted the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) approach to perioperative care. ERAS is an evidence-based protocol that aims to improve surgical outcomes and reduce complications.   What is ERAS? ERAS […]